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Several research projects are underway in an effort to study the effectiveness of this development effort and lay a foundation for research funding to continue to study its impact:

Building Capacity for Case Based Education

Research on Building Capacity for Case Based Education is examining the environment for achieving the Global Goal #4: Quality Education and is focused studying policy and programs that will help to build quality Business and Management Education and the role that case based education could play.

Business Case Teaching as Service Learning and International Development: Insight from Africa

This research in progress specifically studies the Ivey student and African student experience of collaborating in a Service Learning model.  It will tie specific character and competency outcomes to student activities and builds on the research on Character advanced by the Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute (put link here).  It will also explore the specific character development that occurs in Ivey students based on their reflection activity over the duration of their field work.

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