University of Texas Arlington, United States
CEO psychological characteristics as a predictor of organizational decoupling in the context of corporate sustainability
Ajith Venugopal is a Ph.D. candidate in the Management Ph.D. program at the University of Texas at Arlington, with a focus on Strategy and International Business. As a management researcher, he strongly believes that corporations have an important role in the alleviation of global ecological and social problems such as hunger, poverty, human rights, illiteracy, environmental pollution, climate change and so on. He visualizes a world where corporations develop business models, products, and services that minimize environmental impact while driving economic growth. His primary research interest is in corporate sustainability. His current work involves Organizational decoupling, MNCs’ sustainability practices, intellectual property protection, resume whitening, and CEO activism. Ajith received his bachelor’s in chemistry and his MBA from the University of Kerala. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, he worked as a research assistant at the Indian School of Business and Indian Institute of Management.
Ajith Venugopal