Norwegian School of Economics, Norway
Message in a Bottle: Experiments on Sustainability Labeling of Wine
In the wine market, producers and retailers alike are experimenting with more environmentally friendly, or climate-smart, packaging. Such sustainability characteristics, however, may adversely influence consumers’ purchases of such wine. In a survey and interviews, we identify a lack of knowledge regarding the sustainability of packaging alternatives as a main barrier to consumers’ purchases of wine on climate-smart packaging. Hence, we investigate how different designs of sustainability labeling (binary vs graded, different color schemes) may nudge consumers’ purchase intention and real purchase behavior of wine on climate-smart packaging. We conduct a series of lab and field experiments in close collaboration with the large Norwegian retailer Vinmonopolet. We show that binary and graded labeling of sustainable wines can be positively associated with consumers’ inclination to choose such wines over others. These effects are tested in two subsequent large scale field experiments, partially yet to be concluded.
Rieke S. Kohn is a PhD Research Scholar at the Norwegian School of Economics. Her research focuses on sustainable consumer behavior and complex decision making. She is particularly interested in experimental methods, both in the lab and in the field. The empirical context of her research is mainly the wine industry and its sustainability challenges. Prior to pursuing a PhD, Rieke specialized in the energy industry, with work experience and a Master of Science in Economic Analysis of Energy Markets.
Rieke S. Kohn