Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Copycat behavior in CSR incentive contracts: The role of board interlocks
Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
Too good to be true: Influencing credibility perceptions with signaling reference explicitness and assurance depth
University of Padova, Italy
The importance of being paradoxical: A paradox approach to foster sustainability
ESADE Business School, Spain
Holding power to account: A virtual ethnography of collective action towards government accountability in the COVID-19 crisis
University of Utah, United States
When does CSR build trust? Authenticity and trust in the implementation of LGBT-friendly practices in U.S. firms
University of Minnesota, United States
Assessment of the varying impact of internal motivation and external pressures and the scope of environmental externalities
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Induced innovation from environmental regulation: Evidence from China
Bocconi University, Italy
The walls have ears: The impact of selective disclosure on employee evaluations
George Washington University, United States
CSiR karma: The stock market reaction to a “bad” firm when an irresponsible issue arises
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Reputational spirals: How reputational imprints constrain sustainability–driven innovation
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Examination of moral micro-foundations of corporate sustainability actions
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Strategies alliances and corporate sustainability, a signaling approach
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
How do organizations threatened by deinstitutionalisation communicate to regain their legitimacy and delegitimise their critics?
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Waste picking and reclaiming as social provisioning: constructing a socially restorative and regenerative circular economy