My passion lies in understanding supply chains as complex systems of collective organizing. My research focuses on how organizations within these complex supply chains interact to enhance both individual and collective performance, economically and ecologically.
I explore key questions such as:
- What supply chain designs are both ecologically sustainable and profitable?
- What beliefs and governance structures characterize these supply chains?
- How do self-organizing processes contribute to their emergence?
Recently, I’ve been particularly focused on improving transparency around ecological risks and impacts in global supply chains and catalyzing the transition to more circular and regenerative agri-food systems.
My research is published in leading journals such as the Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Supply Chain Management, and Journal of Industrial Ecology. I serve as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Supply Chain Management and sit on the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Operations Management and Production and Operations Management. My work has also been featured in media outlets like The Globe and Mail, CBC, Corporate Knights, The Conversation, The Toronto Star, The Financial Post, and B the Change.
I’ve been fortunate to receive several awards that recognize the originality, relevance, and rigor of my research and teaching, including Western’s Faculty Scholar Award (2024), Ivey’s Research Merit Award (2024), the Financial Times’ Highly Commended Responsible Teaching Case (2024), the Clean16 Leadership Award by Delta Management (2023), and the Distinguished David G. Burgoyne Teaching Award (2022), among others.
My commitment to impact has led me to take on leadership roles at Ivey’s Centre for Building Sustainable Value (BSV) and its sister organization, the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS). BSV drives interdisciplinary research projects aimed at creating a more just and ecologically sound future, while NBS connects educators with managers to advance sustainability in business globally.
I’m also a member of the Complex Adaptive Supply Network – Research Accelerator (CASN-RA) at Arizona State University. Before joining Ivey, I was a faculty member at University College Dublin’s Smurfit School of Business in Ireland. I hold a PhD in economics and management of technology and a master’s degree in engineering and management from the University of Bergamo in Italy.
Jury Gualandris

Centre Director