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Anthonny Monterroso, MM-A '24 Candidate, Senior Data Manager at Prodigy Education, on deepening his knowledge and learning to be a great leader

As Anthonny Monterroso, MM-A '24 Candidate, progressed through his career, he found himself moving from HR and business roles to start-ups and software, which fuelled a passion for – and desire to learn more about – analytics.

After spending several years in the data field and taking several online courses to further his learning, he decided it was time formalize his data analytics education, the Ivey MM-A became an obvious choice.

“I'd heard about Ivey as a brand, and I was also drawn to the one-year timeframe, and the fact that I could do my studies while working,” says Monterroso, Senior Data Manager at Prodigy Education.

“The last piece was the recruiter experience, which was phenomenal, especially as opposed to when I reached out to other universities trying to explore what they had to offer.”

As he begins the second half of the program, Monterroso says he’s enjoying the way the subjects are taught at Ivey, and the diversity of thought in the classroom.

“There's not a singular mode of thinking. People have different perspectives, and I really enjoy the discussions that we are having. You get to ask questions, you get to think through different approaches,” he says.

“And because it's such a condensed program, the professors are really focused on what you're going to walk away with, and they have reasonable expectations.”

The mix of Ivey Essentials and topics that focus on business impacts and decision-making are directly relevant for his current position, he adds, which means he can action what he’s learning right into his workplace.

“It's also helped me reflect on my current leadership approach because I manage a team, and there are different ways you can lead,” he says.

“Every case we study is a little bit different, but it's helped me reflect on what I might want to include in my management style, if I should be more conscious about any of directives or approaches. As a leader, you have to always take the initiative to reach out and support your team to do their best work, which is something the course inspired me to continue to do.”

The combination of business and analytics courses have helped him connect the dots between the two areas he works in and think more deeply about how data can help with business decisions, something he’s already received positive feedback for at work.

And while the combination of a high-level position, a Masters program, and being a new father can be quite demanding at times, he says it’s not something that should discourage him – or anyone else – from joining the MM-A.

“You just have to really budget your time and think about what you want to get out of the program,” he says.

“The community we’re a part of and the bonds we’re building through working in teams together – that’s a network and an experience that’s going to stay with you.”

MM-A '24

Ivey Business School

Anthonny Monterroso

Anthonny Monterroso

Senior Data Manager, Prodigy Education

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