Why did you decide to do an MBA?
My partner and I moved to Canada together for inclusion and safety reasons. At the same time, I hope to continue to develop my career and pivot into tech consulting spaces, focusing on growth and digital transformation.
What is the most significant thing you've learned at Ivey?
Delay the judgment and enjoy the moment!
What's been the most surprising aspect of the Ivey MBA journey to date?
The more time and effort you spend supporting your peers, the more you gain from the program.
Describe the role you play professionally:
Account Manager @ Martech, which means... I did sales plus project management for software used by marketers.
What is the most challenging aspect of your job?
Managing stakeholders from various backgrounds with different agendas and languages.
What is your biggest professional accomplishment?
Designed and implemented the client onboarding SOP in China for my first employer. Onboarded 340+ clients in 18 months, with a total value of CAD 6M.
What books are on your bedside table AND/OR what podcast are you listing to right now?
StochasticVolatility is my favorite podcast on feminism, literature, social development and other cultural observations -- it is in Mandarin though
How do you manage stress (i.e. sports, exercise, meditation etc)?
I do something that makes me sweat and pant -- normally it's tennis or hot yoga; I tried thai boxing too when available.
Contact Sandy Chang
MBA '24
Ivey Business School
Sandy Chang

Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tokyo