In 2009 Chisanga Puta-Chekwe became Deputy Minister for Citizenship and Immigration as well as Women’s Issues in Ontario. In July 2013 he was also named Deputy Minister for Seniors’ Affairs, taking on additional responsibilities as Deputy Minister for international trade as well in 2014. In 1994, he served as adjudication officer and United Nations observer support officer monitoring the South African election, and in 1996 served as election supervisor in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He spent six years with the Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensation Board and was the founding Chair and CEO of the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal.
Currently, Chisanga serves as president of the Masomo Education Foundation, a charity that helps young women and men attain higher education in Zambia. He is also a Solicitor of the Supreme Court (England and Wales), and an Advocate of the High Court for Zambia. He is the author of An Election to Remember, a book about the 1994 South African election published in Zambia, and Getting Zambia to Work, a book about Zambian politics and economics, published in 2011.