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Michael Rouse

Professor Emeritus, Strategy

Photo of Michael Rouse

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Professor Emeritus, General Management & Strategy

Michael is an emeriti professor, strategy and organization, at the Ivey Business School. Michael previously taught MSc., executive and corporate MBA programs at Leeds University Business School in the United Kingdom and undergraduate, CIMA, ACCA, MBA and DBA programs at De Montfort University, UK. He has taught on the HBA (honours business administration), MBA and Executive MBA programs here at Ivey, and he currently teaches strategic analysis and action on Ivey's Executive MBA program. He also teaches HBA and MBA electives in Biotechnology/ Pharmaceutical Strategy and the prerequisite Health Sector course on Ivey’s Health Sector MBA stream.

Recently (2012), Michael was awarded the prestigious David G. Burgoyne Teaching Award and has received several awards for excellence in teaching in business.

Michael was in business for 25 years before moving to academia and completing his PhD at the University of Calgary in 2000. His expertise is strategy, specializing in organizational learning and knowledge translation for competitive advantage in global business and health contexts. His current research explores the linkage between workplace wellness programs and competitive advantage. He is the principal investigator and leader of a cross-disciplinary research team testing, “The Impact of Sun Life Financial’s HealthyRETURNS Workplace Wellness Program on Employee Wellness, Productivity and 2-Year Healthcare Costs.”

Michael’s work has been published in high impact business journals including the Strategic Management Journal, Implementation Science, the Journal of Public Health Policy, Management Learning and the Journal of World Business. He has served as guest editor of two journals, has written eighteen business cases, and has co-authored five books. He also sits on two private sector boards of directors.

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