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Richard Ivey Building 3307
Mark Vandenbosch earned his BA, Honors Business Administration from Western University and his PhD from the University of British Columbia. He has held visiting professorships at IMD in Switzerland and INSEAD in France.
Vandenbosch's research interests centre around competitive strategy, product management and marketing research. His work has appeared in Marketing Science, Organization Science, Information Systems Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, Journal of Business Research and MIT Sloan Management Review. He has also written numerous cases on issues concerned with competitive analysis, strategy market planning, advanced technology marketing and business-to-business marketing.
Vandenbosch has acted as a consultant in marketing research and marketing strategy to a number of leading companies including Tetra Pak, National Semiconductor, Hewlett Packard, Allied Signal, Bank of Montreal, Medtronic and Nestlé. He has taught on in-company programs for, among others, Tetra Pak, Loyalty One, Cisco Systems, Pirelli, Sony, Canon, ABB, IBM, Allianz, Aegon, SEB Swedbank, Nestlé, TetraPak, 3M, and National Semiconductor.