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Jim Hatch

Professor Emeritus, Finance

His research interests are focused on the utilization of the case method in teaching and the more general theory and practice of learning and teaching. Most recently Hatch and Mu produced a book on adult learning and decision making. Within the previous five years they have written three books (two in Mandarin and one printed in English) dealing with the utilization of the case method in China They have also produced five refereed journal articles in related topics.

He has a variety of research papers in progress. The first is a scoping review of innovations in the case method over the last two decades. The second is the development of a conceptual framework for the case method of learning. The third is an empirical study of the role of reflection in experiential learning within a corporate context. He is a frequent visitor to China and is interested in business education within a Chinese context.

He has written over 170 cases and technical notes and is the co-author of several case books. He has also written several books dealing with the capital markets, small business finance and commercial banking as well as a number of related journal articles. He has served on the boards of a variety of academic, private sector and public service organizations.

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