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Alison M. Konrad

Professor, Organizational Behaviour

Alison M. Konrad

Contact Information


  • Inclusivity Initiatives in Organizations
  • Affirmative Action/Employment Equity Programs
  • Work/Life Balance Initiatives
  • Job Attitudes and Work Values

Research Publications

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Inaugural Holder of the Corus Entertainment Chair in Women in Management: 2003-2023. Alison earned her Ph.D. in Applied Social Psychology at the Claremont Graduate University. She is a Fellow of the Eastern Academy of Management and has been a member of the Women's Executive Network (WXN) Advisory Board for Canada's Most Powerful Women Top 100. Dr. Konrad was Chair of the Academy of Management's Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division in 1996-97 and President of the Eastern Academy of Management in 1997-98. She was President of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values in 2002-04. Prior to joining the school, she was Professor of Human Resource Management at the Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University.

Dr. Konrad's research interests center on gender and diversity in organizations. She received a CDN$113K grant from SSHRC to study Strategic Diversity Initiatives in Canadian organizations in 2004-07; a CDN$52K grant from SSHRC to study the impact of workplace diversity on innovation in 2007-10; a US$89K grant from the Graduate Admissions Council of Canada to study social networking among MBAs in 2008-09; and a CDN$149K grant from SSHRC to expand the social networking study to 2008-11. Her current work is funded by a $98K grant from SSHRC to study the impact of HRM practices in a diverse workplace (2012-17). Her work on gender effects on earnings, Affirmative Action programs, and gender differences in job attribute preferences has received three distinguished paper awards from the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division of the Academy of Management. She was also recipient of the Division's Sage Award for Scholarly Contributions to Management in 1998. Her work on Employer Initiatives to manage the Welfare to Work Transition was funded by a US$108K grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation.
Dr. Konrad has published over 50 research articles on gender and diversity in organizations in such outlets as the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, the Journal of Management Inquiry, Human Relations, the Psychological Bulletin, Sex Roles, and the Strategic Management Journal. Dr. Konrad is a member of the Editorial Board for Administrative Science Quarterly and the Academy of Management Learning & Education.  She has served on the Editorial Board of the Academy of Management Review and was 2003-07 Editor of Group and Organization Management. Her research interests focus on the effectiveness of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives in organizations.


  • HBA Leading People in Organizations
  • Ph.D. Organizational Behaviour
  • Corporations & Society: Women in Leadership


  • BA, Monmouth College
  • MA, Claremont Graduate University
  • PhD, Claremont Graduate University

Recent Refereed Articles

  • Konrad, A. M.; Bhardwaj, A., 2023, "Grand challenges in organizational justice, diversity and equity", Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, November 1
  • Yang, Y.; Jiang, G. F.; Konrad, A. M., (Forthcoming), "From Home to Corner Office: How Work–Life Programs Influence Women's Managerial Representation in Japan", Journal of Management
  • Wu, X.; Konrad, A. M., 2023, "Does Age Diversity Benefit Team Outcomes, if so, When and How? A Moderated Mediation Model", Current Psychology, September 42: 23874 - 23890.
  • Yang, Y.; Kulkarni, M.; Baldridge, D.; Konrad, A. M., 2022, "Earnings of persons with disabilities: Who earns more (less) from entrepreneurial pursuit?", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, August 41(6): 847 - 865.
  • Shin, D.; Woodwark, M. J.; Konrad, A. M.; Jung, Y., 2022, "Innovation strategy, voice practices, employee voice participation, and organizational innovation", Journal of Business Research, August 147: 392 - 402.
  • Ali, M.; Grabarski, M. K.; Konrad, A. M., 2022, "Women in hospitality and tourism: a study of the top-down and bottom-up dynamics", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, March 34(4): 1448 - 1469.
  • Vlas, C. O.; Richard, O. C.; Andrevski, G.; Konrad, A. M.; Yang, Y., 2022, "Dynamic capabilities for managing racially diverse workforces: Effects on competitive action variety and firm performance", Journal of Business Research, March 141: 600 - 618.
  • Konrad, A. M.; Richard, O. C.; Yang, Y., 2021, "Both Diversity and Meritocracy: Managing the Diversity-Meritocracy Paradox with Organizational Ambidexterity", Journal of Management Studies, December 58(8): 2180 - 2206.
  • Bhardwaj, A.; Mishra, S. K.; Qureshi, I.; Kumar, K. K.; Konrad, A. M.; Seidel, M. L.; Bhatt, B., 2021, "Bridging Caste Divides: Middle-Status Ambivalence, Elite Closure, and Lower-Status Social Withdrawal", Journal of Management Studies
  • Ali, M.; Grabarski, M.; Konrad, A. M., 2021, "Trickle-down and bottom-up effects of women’s representation in the context of industry gender composition: A panel data investigation", Human Resource Management, July 60(4): 559 - 580.
  • Cheung, H.; Goldberg, C.; Konrad, A. M.; Lindsey, A.; Nicholaides, V.; Yang, Y., 2020, "A Meta-Analytic Review of Gender Composition Influencing Employees’ Work Outcomes: Implications for Human Resource Development", Human Resource Development International, October 23(5): 491 - 518.
  • Han, J. H.; Shin, D.; Castellano, W.; Konrad, A. M.; Kruse, D.; Blasi, J., 2020, "Creating Mutual Gains to Leverage a Racially Diverse Workforce: The Effects of Firm-Level Racial Diversity on Financial and Workforce Outcomes Under the Use of Broad-Based Stock Options", Organization Science, October 31(6): 1515 - 1537.
  • Shin, D.; Garmendia, A.; Ali, M.; Konrad, A. M.; Madinabeitia-Olabarria, D., 2020, "HRM systems and employee affective commitment: The role of employee gender", Gender in Management: An International Journal, April 35(2): 189 - 210.
  • Jones-Morales, J.; Konrad, A. M., 2018, "Attaining Elite Leadership: Career Development and Childhood Socioeconomic Status", Career Development International, June 23(3): 246 - 260.
  • Konrad, A. M., 2018, "Denial of racism and the Trump Presidency", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, February 37(1): 14 - 30.

For more publications please see our Research Database

Honours & Awards

  • 2024: Ivey Research Merit Award
  • 2012-17: SSHRC Insight Grant, CDN$97,080 to study the impact of HRM systems in a diverse workplace.
  • 2013: Winner, Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research for the paper, “Is using work-life interface benefits a career-limiting move? An examination of women, men, lone parents, and parents with partners,” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(8), 1095-1119. Award co-sponsored by the Center for Families at Purdue U. and the Boston College Center for Work and Family.


  • Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Ivey Business School, Western University (2003-present)
  • Professor of Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University (2000-2003)
  • Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University (1994-2000)
  • Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, Fox School of Business and Management, Temple University (1988-1994)
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology, Stanford University (1986-1988)

Research/Course Development

  • Gender and Diversity in Organizations
  • Inclusivity Initiatives
  • Employment Equity and Affirmative Action Programs
  • Work-Life Program Initiatives
  • Work Values and Attitudes

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