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Blog Writers

We would like to thank our past and present Blog Writers for all the effort and work they do and have done for the Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing.  Their contributions greatly enrich our Centre.  

The following Blog Writers are listed below in alphabetical order by surname. 

Jared RichstoneJared Richstone

Jared is an HBA student completing his final year at Ivey Business School. Through his undergraduate career, he has undertaken a variety of roles in finance. His interest in finance has been broad, spanning from traditional investment strategies to innovative financial models. Among the myriad of financial philosophies, the teachings of renowned investors like Warren Buffet and Ben Graham piqued his curiosity. He has been eager to compare and apply his learnings from his previous experiences to learn about the subject at Ivey, one of only two institutions in North America with a Centre dedicated to advancing the principles of value investing.


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