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Value Investing Research

The generation and preservation of intellectual capital is imperative to advancing our understanding of value investing. The following links will connect you with an extensive collection of some of the best writing on value investing.

This section includes research with a value investing theme, published and in a working paper form. It does not limit itself to only research carried out at Ivey, but also includes research carried out at any other University or by any practitioner in the field. Papers on value investing are listed alphabetically by author.

It also includes the names in alphabetical order of all researchers, practitioners and academics in the value investing field.

Moreover, this page will serve a critical role in coordinating applied research at the University and in linking the activities of faculty and students with practitioners, primarily in the financial services sector, but also in other industries, as well as individual investors. In this aspect, a database of company financials and related real time and historical stock market data can be found here designed to facilitate applied research, as well as investment analysis and decision making.


Academic Research (Published and Working Papers)

Practitioner Research



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