Sharon Duguid
Family Enterprise • Entrepreneurship • Public Sector • Conservation • Financial Services • Mining • VC • International Aid

Sharon Duguid is an advisor, facilitator, and coach working closely with business leaders, entrepreneurs, family firms, and boards. She brings deep knowledge and perspective to global clients across all sectors, facilitating meaningful conversations with business leaders and multi-generational families on governance, firm continuity, leadership, next-generation preparation, and conflict resolution. She is especially adept at integrating and aligning governance and leadership for organizations. Recently, Sharon has been developing a service offering for PricewaterhouseCoopers for the Center for Entrepreneurs and Family Enterprise. In her role as a family enterprise advisor, she is supporting private companies and family enterprises, and their trusted advisors, in ensuring governance, succession and long-term business and ownership strategies are effective and sustainable. This typically involves working side-by-side with owners/entrepreneurs, family members, and professional advisors, coaching and teaching to ensure best practices to apply to their situation. Sharon collaboratively builds time-appropriate roadmaps and benchmarks to facilitate effective multigenerational transition. For 20 years Sharon was a Director of Executive Development Solutions International, LLC., a consulting collective with affiliates in France, Switzerland, the US, and the UK. She is a founder of BREW™ Leadership Seminars, and Purpose + Flow™ motivation assessment. Sharon is a Certified Executive Coach, a licensed mediator, and has a post-graduate certificate in Organizational Development. She is licensed in numerous competency assessments, psychometric measurement tools, neuro-feedback systems, and corporate strategy processes. She has held adjunct and associate faculty positions at the David Eccles School of Business in Utah, and Ashridge Management Institute in the United Kingdom. She regularly keynotes and delivers presentations to professional organizations, conferences and in retreat situations. Sharon is also trained to work with professional clients experiencing mental health issues and ADHD. For over eighteen years Sharon had a longstanding association with the International Institute of Management (IMD), based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Teaming with IMD faculty, she was part of development, design and delivery of public, private, and family business programs, as well as ongoing coaching of attendees. Sharon has consulted to numerous private and public organizations, including: Hoffman LaRoche,, Ebay, Philips Electronics, Bertlesmann, Random House, ABB, Boerhinger Ingelheim, TetraPak, Tetra Laval, Nestle, Danisco, Julius Baer, Schindler, Group 4 Securitas. Additionally, Sharon has worked extensively with nonprofits and government institutions, including the World Economic Forum, Nature Conservancy of Canada, the IMF/World Bank, the United Nations, the Government of Canada, First Nations, and the Association of Executive Women. She is an active member of IFEA, FEX and ICD. Sharon has recently completed the Rottman Institute of Corporate Directors designation. She has been on several boards for-profit and non-profit organizations, and remains active in community causes such as the Forum for Women Entrepreneurs, and Covenent House. Sharon lives with her partner and three sons in West Vancouver.